Other Cinema calendar, Spring 1994
Other Cinema calendar, Spring 1994
Other Cinema;Artists Television Access (ATA)
Other Cinema calendar, Spring 1994. Programs include Weiss + Tell + Greene + Sweeney + Povey +; Gorin's Cabengo + Cazzazza's Siamese Twins; "Priscilla" + "Jayne" + "Betty" + "Michael"+; Sax + Sundaram + Cockrell + Donovan +; Lynn Kirby's 3 Interiors + Installations +; Zando's UH-OH! + Ahwesh/Strosser's Weather; Palazzolo/Ciessielka + Buñuel + Tilton +; Poe + Fellini + Corman + Roeg + Price + Fonda; Bickford + Svankmajer + Pal + The Runties +; Rose X' Alien Dreamtime + McKenna + Kent +; Patiris' Biosphere + Jones' Republicans +; Eisenstein's Que Viva Mexico! + Hoolboom; Gomez Peña + Fusco + Street + Katz +; Sachs' Which Way Is East + Weber + silt; and New Experimental Works.
Fifteen programs presented Spring 1994. Featuring work by Martin Arnold, Betsy Weiss, Thad Povey, Susan Greene, Julia Tell, Kathleen Sweeney, Perry Meigs, Alexander Hammid, Ray Birdwhistle, Jean-Pierre Gorin, Monte Cazazza, Stacey Richter, Anna Lee Keefer, Dan Kapelovitz, Laurie Partridge, Joe Westmoreland, Fabio Roberti, Jayne Mansfield, Charles Piere, Nao Bustamante, Erin Sax, Anjali Sundaram, Susan [sic] Donovan, Susanne Cockrell, Jennifer Kanter, Sarah Lewison, Ann [sic] McGuire, Kim Woods, Lynn Kirby, Julie Zando, Peggy Ahwesh, Margaret Strosser, Tom Palazzolo, Thomas Ciessielka, Luis Buñuel, Kenneth Anger, Federico Fellini, Roger Corman, Bruce Bickford, J.C. Wegman, Matt Day, Ladislaw Starevitch, Jan Svankajer, David Cox, Glenn Mayfield, Pam Kray, Barbara Lattanzi, George Pal, Gerry Anderson, Todd Haynes, Ken Adams, Britt Welin, Phil Patiris, Sergei Eisenstein, Michael Hoolboom, Steve Sanguedolce, Coco Fusco, Guillermo Gomez Peña, Paula Heredia, Mark Street, Lynne Sachs, Marshall Weber, Keith Sanborn, Thad Povey, Karen Rester, Gibbs Chapman, Kurt Keppeler, Anne McGuire, Steve Dye, Deke Weaver, David Cox, Elena Popa, Troy Innocent, Danny Plotnick, David Sherman, and Carolyn Cooley.
Fifteen programs presented Spring 1994. Featuring work by Martin Arnold, Betsy Weiss, Thad Povey, Susan Greene, Julia Tell, Kathleen Sweeney, Perry Meigs, Alexander Hammid, Ray Birdwhistle, Jean-Pierre Gorin, Monte Cazazza, Stacey Richter, Anna Lee Keefer, Dan Kapelovitz, Laurie Partridge, Joe Westmoreland, Fabio Roberti, Jayne Mansfield, Charles Piere, Nao Bustamante, Erin Sax, Anjali Sundaram, Susan [sic] Donovan, Susanne Cockrell, Jennifer Kanter, Sarah Lewison, Ann [sic] McGuire, Kim Woods, Lynn Kirby, Julie Zando, Peggy Ahwesh, Margaret Strosser, Tom Palazzolo, Thomas Ciessielka, Luis Buñuel, Kenneth Anger, Federico Fellini, Roger Corman, Bruce Bickford, J.C. Wegman, Matt Day, Ladislaw Starevitch, Jan Svankajer, David Cox, Glenn Mayfield, Pam Kray, Barbara Lattanzi, George Pal, Gerry Anderson, Todd Haynes, Ken Adams, Britt Welin, Phil Patiris, Sergei Eisenstein, Michael Hoolboom, Steve Sanguedolce, Coco Fusco, Guillermo Gomez Peña, Paula Heredia, Mark Street, Lynne Sachs, Marshall Weber, Keith Sanborn, Thad Povey, Karen Rester, Gibbs Chapman, Kurt Keppeler, Anne McGuire, Steve Dye, Deke Weaver, David Cox, Elena Popa, Troy Innocent, Danny Plotnick, David Sherman, and Carolyn Cooley.
Baldwin, Craig
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flyers (printed matter);calendars
Baldwin, Craig, “Other Cinema calendar, Spring 1994,” San Francisco Cinematheque Digital Archives, accessed January 31, 2025, http://archive.sfcinematheque.org/items/show/317.