San Francisco Cinematheque Digital Archives

Other Cinema calendar, 1989



Other Cinema calendar, 1989


Other Cinema;Artists Television Access (ATA)


Other Cinema calendar, 1989. Programs include Kuchar: Video Album 3 + Act-Up: Demo Tapes; Kluge: Artists Under The Big Top: Perplexed; Landscapes Of The Times + Leon Golub; Pfahler: Films & Live Acts; Wiseman: Primate; New Experimental Works; Rouch Lion Hunters + Gardner: Deep Hearts; Demott: Demon Lovers Diary + Trash Trailers; Lyon: SOC. SCI. 127 + Tattoos: Soul Signatures; Herzog: Land of Silence and Darkness; Sachs: Sacred Pictures + Films By Females; Thornton: Unseen Cloud + Peggy & Fred In Hell; Fuller: Falkenau + Resnais: Night And Fog; White & Lazy + The Loin + Kern + Sonic Youth; Nightmare Angel + Red & Rosy + Anger + Roth; The Kayapo Of Gorotire + Rain Forest Slides; Berlin/Bay Area Super-Eight Exchange; and Amiga Computer Animation.

Flyer with listings for eighteen programs in [circa 1989]. Featuring work by George Kuchar, Curt McDowell, Emjay Wilson, Alexander Kluge, Sue Coe, Gordon Quinn, Kembra Pfahler, Frederick Wiseman, Chuck Hudina, Michael Sneathen, Phillip Guibeau, Stefan Cluver, Peter Menchini, Barry Kapke, Jean Rouch, Robert Gardner, Joel DeMott, Danny Lyon, Geoff Steven, Werner Herzog, Alexander Hammid, Maya Deren, Guy Geduldig, Lynne Sachs, Margaret Hussey, Monica Gazzo, Aurora Kirby, Ellen Doskey, Kate Danaher, Lidia Szajko, Leslie Thornton, Isabelle Eberhardt, Sam Fuller, Alain Resnais, Jay Rosenblatt, John Zorn, Gustavo Vasquez, Richard Kern, Karen Finley, Zoe Beloff, J.G. Ballard, Frank Grow, Kenneth Anger, Bill Daniels, Michael Beckham, Michael Brynntrup, Julie Murray, Danny Plotnik, Hank Pellissier, Amiga, Richard Gaikowski, Scott Alexander, Mark Spain, and John Martin.


Baldwin, Craig


circa 1989


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flyers (printed matter);calendars






Baldwin, Craig, “Other Cinema calendar, 1989,” San Francisco Cinematheque Digital Archives, accessed January 31, 2025,