Other Cinema calendar, circa Fall 1993
Other Cinema calendar, circa Fall 1993
Other Cinema; Artists Television Access (ATA)
Other Cinema calendar, Fall 1993. Programs include In Advance Of The Landing + Contactees +; Gibbons / Breer / Finley's The Genius; Potter's Thriller + Earhart + Aporia; Lady + Brains On Toast + Sprinkle; Access Denied + Rosler + Cottis + Bacorr +; Eric Saks + Pat Tierney + Martin Denny +; Greta Snider's Complete Works; The Cosmic Hex' A Lovely Sort Of Death; Honda + Macias + Godzilla Fantasia; Almereyeda's Another Girl, Another Planet +; Perfect Victim + Beta-Rape + What It Is +; Weber's Emotional Tourist + Salloum/Ra'ad's South +; Flaherty's Nanook + Masayesva's Ritual Clown +; Pleasure Dome + Leary + McKenna + Hemp +; silt's Super 8 Films + Performance; and New Experimental Works.
Other Cinema calendar Fall 1993 featuring work by Dan Curtis, Joe Gibbons, Emily Breer, Sally Potter, Kathleen Sweeney, Elizabeth Berry, Azian Nurudin, Oona Nelson, Tari Abranovich, Ira Sachs, Dominique Dibbell, Joyan Saunders, Annie Sprinkle, Sadie Benning, Helen Jones, Jane Cottis, Martha Rosler, Elise Robertson, T. Norton, Ann[e] Severson, Greta Snider, Michael Baers, Scott Moffett, Thor Gudmusson, Gibbs Chapman, Patrick Macias, Michael Almereyeda, Cory McAbee, Trish Rosen, Kate Farrell, Sarah Lewison, Niki Cousino, Mia Houlberg, Scarlot Harlot, Marshall Weber, Robert Flaherty, Victor Masayesva, Gary Rhine, Kenneth Anger, John Knecht, Jack Herer, Keith Evans, Christian Farrell, and Jeffrey Warrin.
New Experimental works by Mike LaSalle, Rock Ross, Steve Bade, Betsy Weiss, Gibbs Chapman, Larry Kless, Tim Wilkins, Kristin Cato, Kurt Keppeler, Steven Dye, Al Alvarez, Ann McGuire, Bob Paris, Fabio Roberti, Bruce Pollack, Eric Thiese.
Other Cinema calendar Fall 1993 featuring work by Dan Curtis, Joe Gibbons, Emily Breer, Sally Potter, Kathleen Sweeney, Elizabeth Berry, Azian Nurudin, Oona Nelson, Tari Abranovich, Ira Sachs, Dominique Dibbell, Joyan Saunders, Annie Sprinkle, Sadie Benning, Helen Jones, Jane Cottis, Martha Rosler, Elise Robertson, T. Norton, Ann[e] Severson, Greta Snider, Michael Baers, Scott Moffett, Thor Gudmusson, Gibbs Chapman, Patrick Macias, Michael Almereyeda, Cory McAbee, Trish Rosen, Kate Farrell, Sarah Lewison, Niki Cousino, Mia Houlberg, Scarlot Harlot, Marshall Weber, Robert Flaherty, Victor Masayesva, Gary Rhine, Kenneth Anger, John Knecht, Jack Herer, Keith Evans, Christian Farrell, and Jeffrey Warrin.
New Experimental works by Mike LaSalle, Rock Ross, Steve Bade, Betsy Weiss, Gibbs Chapman, Larry Kless, Tim Wilkins, Kristin Cato, Kurt Keppeler, Steven Dye, Al Alvarez, Ann McGuire, Bob Paris, Fabio Roberti, Bruce Pollack, Eric Thiese.
Baldwin, Craig
circa 1993
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Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Works not in the public domain cannot be commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owner. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
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flyers (printed matter); calendars
Baldwin, Craig, “Other Cinema calendar, circa Fall 1993,” San Francisco Cinematheque Digital Archives, accessed January 30, 2025, http://archive.sfcinematheque.org/items/show/400.