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Other Cinema program (process artifact), circa 1991
Process artifact for program for an unidentified Other Cinema program, circa 1991. Includes films by Eric Saks & Pat Tierney, Brian Burman, Valerie Soe, Bill Daniel, Danny Plotnick, Fred Sharples, Larry Kless, Steve Dye, Deke Weaver, Cory Macabee, Jackie Turnure, Mark Street, and Thad Povey. -
Mondo Tokyo program flyer, 04/2008
Flyer for the Mondo Tokyo program at Other Cinema, which took place on April 19, 2008. Featuring the work of Patrick Macias. -
Voodoo Valentine card
Kembra Pfahler: Voodoo Valentine gifted to Craig Baldwin from Kembra Pfahler. Sent in advance of screening—date unknown—and used in subsequent flyer. -
Midsummer Night's Delirium run of show document, 8/14/2010
Handwritten run of show for Midsummer Night's Delirium benefit show at Other Cinema. 8/14/2010. This program included films by Craig Baldwin, Corinna Mura, Martha Colburn, Damon Packard, Lewis Klahr, Paul Coates, Greta Snider, Omori, David Sherman, et al. -
New Experimental Works flyer, 12/18/1993
Flyer for a New Experimental Works flyer at Other Cinema. 12/18/1993. Includes films by Rock Ross, Steve Bade, Gibbs Chapman, Tim Wilkins, Kristin Cato, Steven Dye, Al Alvarez, Ann[e] McGuire, Fabio Roberti, and Bruce Pollack. -
Through Her Eyes program, 10/1996
Program for Through Her Eyes program at Other Cinema, which took place on October 12, 1996. Includes films by Lisa Kernan, Caitlin Manning, Emily Cronbach, Jennifer Tait, Susanne Fairfax, Sandra Davis, Sami Alkassim, Lisanne Skyler and Pat Baum. -
Orgone at Other Cinema flyer, 6/1/1996
Flyer for an Orgone Cinema program at Other Cinema, which took place on June 1, 1996. -
All City Super Eight program, 12/1990
Program for All City Super Eight program at Other Cinema, which took place on December 15, 1990. Includes films by Danny Plotnick, Laura Rosow, Rupert Jenkins, Chris Simons, Chad Castillo, Stefan Kurten, John Magee, Jim Pasque, Fred Sharples, Al Hernandez, Grace Giorgio, Julie Murray, Phyllis Christopher and Scott Stark. -
Movie Music flyer, 9/9/1989
Flyer for Movie Music program at Other Cinema 9/9/1989 including films by Jem Cohen, Bill Daniel, Lee Daniel, Nam June Paik & Charlotte Moorman, Mark Street and Peter Menchini. -
All City Super Eight open screening flyer, 05/19/1990
Flyer for All City Super Eight screening at ATA, May 19, 1990.